Wednesday, June 8, 2011

learning how to catch fish for basic fishing tips

Learning how to catch fish can be frustrating and hard. These simple tips will help you to catch fish just remeber one bad day of fish beats any day of work or school. The oldest and what i think is still the best bait is the worm sometimes it works great and sometimes not so great but should be able to atleast catch one fish in a day using worms and a simple bobber. If you are using lures try using a darker color lure for clear water and a lighter color lure for darker water but it is always good to try different things you never know whats going to work best for that day until you start landing them. After you get used to a spot that you have been going to you will be able to see what bait works good for the different fish thats another thing about worms it seems like all fish go for them. They make all kinds of bait for all kinds of fish if you have the money and are welling to buy lures then more power to you i think there worth the money just for the fun you get out of them just try not to throw to many snags and you will be alright. Just remeber to have fun good luck!

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