Monday, June 13, 2011

grilling/bbq chicken for the most tender chicken

All you need is butter chicken and seasoning and bbq sauce for some of the best bbq chicken you have ever had just follow these easy steps. First preheat you grill on high and let get hot about 5 minutes then season you chicken and  place the chicken off to the side of the cooking surface let cook on one side for 20 to 25 minutes basting with butter ever 15 to 20 minutes what the butter does is locks in the chickens juicyness while still letting it cook all the way. After you filp for the first and only time baste again with some more butter. Make sure that you keep an eye on the chicken so that it doesnt burn on you. Now for the tricky part if you want to put bbq sauce on your chicken  which is almost a givin do it for the last ten minutes but remember if you read how much sugar is in the sauce if the sugar is 12 g and above make sure its the last ten minutes if its under you can get away with cooking you chicken with the bbq sauce a little longer. The more sugar is in your sauce the quicker it will burn and no one likes to eat burnt chicken. One last tip is using foil on the last 20 minutes of cooking instead of butter which helps hold in the juices without the fatting of butter. These are just basics to cooking some damn fine chicken whatever you want to do from there to make it you own is up to you.

Making money online easy or not

Making money online is not a easy thing to do with people idthere telling you that you can make a living and quit your job and other people saying that its impossiable to make any money. Now from my experiance ive learned that yeah you can make money but working 2 hours for 50 cents doesnt sound that appealing well thats about all the money you can make now with this blog im trying to make money but it doesnt seem to work that well im trying another way to make money that i read online. What i think is the best way to make money would be doing something outdoors but that is just how i am i would rather make a little money at my own pace now im sure there are lots of people who want to get rich well dont we all and havent all of use tryed one way or another its just not that easy and thats why theres not more rich people then poor people ive been looking for ways to make money online for years and yet have to find a decent way im trying lots of differnt ways but it just seems that a normal person like me doesnt stand a chance but i dont let it get me down like you shouldnt idthere if this can help anyone in any way then i guess it was worth right just remember dont give up and never surrender theres got to be a way to do it that isnt a scam

Anthony weiner photo one ugly weiner

This is one of the lastest photos of old anthony weiner can you imagion taking this picture and thinking you look good it must be nice to be in a position of power to bad that wont be for to long the sooner they get rid of this guy the better off we all will be just thought i would post this seeing how thats all people talk about

Thursday, June 9, 2011

3 ways to make money fast and quick

Here are some easy ways to try and make money that are easy to do and only require as much work as your willing to put into it.
1. Scraping metel,  Try scraping metel at a near by scrap yard. Metels such as copper,steel,brass, and old cars that can be picked up for cheap, check your area for metel prices.
2. Painting, Put a ad in a local paper and or flyers around town to get some people interested. Painting is a easy job that requires little math to figure out how much paint it will take to do a certain job with little effort you can be making money soon. In my area your aloud to do jobs for 800$ dollers or less without a contractor license check with your local laws.
3.Yard sale, This works best if you live in a more populated area and have items that you no longer use but still work and that your willing to get rid of. Yard sales can bring in a nice little chunk of money just make sure to let people know your having one by joining up with more people in your neighborhood to have a block sale and put ads in newspapers and on street signs with arrows leading the way it takes a little work but if you have alot of stuff you can make extra money.
So i wish you all good luck with making some money on the side i have tried all these ideas and they have worked for me unlike list that say beg or pan handle so i hopes this helps any one who needs some fresh ideas for making money the hardest part is just doing it.

Catching carp or sucker fish for fun

Catching carp or sucker fish can be lots of fun. They are good fighting fish found in lakes and ponds all around the world. Just by using a worm and casting with weights to make sure that your bait stays on the bottem. By having you weight on the bottem of a lake you not only stand a good chance for catching sucker fish and carp but also catfish and lots of other kinds "depending on where you live". I like to use a lighter line like 4 pound test just to make it a little more challenging. Catching larger fish makes for a better time so I think by going after the bottem feeders you might not want to eat them all but a catfish is delicious fish to eat and not hard at all to get the meat not for the people with weak stomach.

learning the basics to finding gold

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learning the basic to become a extreme couponer

One of the main keys to becoming a extreme couponer is being able to find coupons for free. There are alot of sites that offer this and is better that you search for them on your own because there are so many of them and alot of them have different deals. Once you have a nice supply of websites to get your free coupons you need to have a printer and if your going to go big more then one computer. Now alot of couponers dont want you to know is that by contacting your local paper and maybe giving them a few bucks they will deliver you the coupon adds from the paper in a huge bundle its worth checking into because alot of those coupons are not available online. So now that you have found more then one way to get coupons its time now to start looking at stores that have sales that go along with the coupons you have and some stores offer ways to get twice what your coupon is worth. You wait until you find something that is a good deal then with the coupon in most situations you can get for a steal or free. Another trick is that you go to the sample size section of your store just make sure that the coupon doesnt matter if you get those some will say on the coupon that you can not use for the sample. Check online blogs as they well tell you what the deals of the week are these are just the basics to being on your way to being a extreme couponer. Just remember rome wasnt built in a day and it takes time to be good at it and saving a little money is better then saving no money and before you know it you too well be saving all kinds of money.